

Imagine owning a 20 unit complex.

And charging a grand a month for each unit.

Now pretend each unit is a tiny website that you made in one afternoon.

That's what we do:

Build, rank in Google, then rent itty-bitty websites to small business owners.

And they send us a check every 30 days... for years to come!

"Why would they do that?"

One word:


They don't have the time, interest, or know-how to get more, themselves.

But we do.

Our tiny websites flood them with calls and emails, and ultimately, lots of new sales.

So they're tickled pink to pay us, because they're making back our fee several times over.

It's a win-win.

"Why are you telling me?"

Well, if you'd like a simple side hustle - that works - you should look into this.

All you need is a laptop, the ability to follow directions, and a burning desire to create a better life for you and your family.

And... the rest?

We can teach you.

"Why would you do that?"

Because we're already in-the-trenches, doing it daily, ourselves.

Why not double-dip and sell the how-to as well?

"Won't that ruin a good thing?"


Not when there are millions of niches to choose from.

We can't serve them all - not without a massive team (which we have no desire to build).

"What if I'm not technical?"

Neither are we.

That's why, our process is point, click, drag, drop, rinse, repeat.

If you're coachable, you can do it, no problem.

"How much time will I need?"

You can set one of these micro sites up in a day.

Heck, an afternoon, once you get good.

Then you'll need an hour or two a day, for a short while, to get it ranked.

And then, once it's getting leads, it's mostly hands-free.

"How do I get someone to actually pay me for the leads though?"

Think Costco.


Give them a handful of leads, for free.

Let them close a deal or two.

Then name your price.

This way, there's no pressure to sell; simply... serve.

"Sounds too good to be true."

Thought you might say that.

So we created a step-by-step training video.

Where, in 17 action-packed minutes, we'll show you exactly how to do this entire process, yourself, starting from scratch.

It's 100% FREE!

Just enter a valid email below

And we'll send it straight to your inbox.

"What's the catch?"

After it's over, we'll tell you about our paid program.

Which you can join, down the road, if you want to.

Or, you can completely ignore it.

Your call.

Sound fair?

If so, sign up below

And we'll see you in the free video.*D1D93144-D7CB-4428-806A-506CF8C74F9D*jpeg?alt=media&token=887b7856-bfef-4609-ac94-34b6a7e1b63b